Saturday, February 18, 2017

First Blog

This is my first attempt at Blogging.  These are a few selected images from my web site: Your comments and assistance are welcome.

2017 Los Angeles Laker Girls

My Brother Bill on the Ranch
Old Red Horse Barn constructed early 1900, near Peck, ID

Round Barn Gone but Not Forgotten, Central Ridge Grade, near Peck, ID

FItness Model and Musclemania Champion Duke Nduka

Brandon Lane captured in San Diego, CA with Coronado Bridge in background

Springtime in Petaluma, CA

Fishing on a lazy Sunday morning near Mobil, Alabama

Sunset in the Sequois, CA


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Roger.

  2. Great range of opening photographs, Roger. I hope your blog will grow (Andrew).

  3. Great photos, Bro... Obviously when the artistic genes were passed out you faired very well! ❤, Sis
